FOREX trading attracts some of the cleverest people in the world, these traders are smart - but they also have big egos. An ego is a bad trait in FOREX trading - as it means you always want to see the market, as you want to see it - and not how it really is.
Traders need to ask themselves this question: Do you want to make money or feel smart? The market won’t accommodate both of these desires – if you want to make money, leave your ego behind.
The humble trader who has an objective and disciplined FOREX trading plan, realizes the market can make him (and everyone else) look stupid. However, he’s only interested in making money, and he’ll generally out perform an ego filled trader, who wants to beat the market.
4. Guru Syndrome
When you’re trading in the FOREX market, it’s tempting to follow someone who’s made money - or says they have.
It’s a fact that most traders want success given to them by someone else, and these traders can’t take responsibility for their own actions.
In the game of FOREX trading, the only way to succeed is on your own - if you can’t accept this, then do something else.
5. Chasing your Tail
Many traders get impatient when FOREX trading - they start trading using one method, get frustrated with it when it’s not performing - they then switch to a different method, and so on.
Bad periods are normally followed by good trading results (if you’re using a soundly based system) - so patience and discipline are needed. By frequently chopping and changing systems, you’ll lose money.
If you have a trading plan that you believe in, then stick with it - and stop chasing your tail. Stay focused, and be patient with your system.
6. Using Options Incorrectly
When you’re FOREX trading, using options gives you staying power - and limited risk, which makes options a great trading tool.
Many traders use options incorrectly - they focus on buying options with small time value, and that are way out of the money. This is a guaranteed way to lose money when options trading! What you need to do is focus on buying options, at or in the money - with lots of time value - also use spreads to increase your chances of success.
In conclusion - Don’t try and be too smart - the above pitfalls are made by some of the brightest traders around. In most cases these mistakes come from thinking you have to be clever, or use complicated methods to succeed - however the reverse is true.
Keep your method simple, keep your focus, accept responsibility for your actions, and accept that the market will make you look stupid at times – it does it to everyone!
If you watch out for the six pitfalls outlined above, you’ll be able to make big long-term profits - and that’s the ONLY goal in FOREX trading.
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Aug 31, 2008 at 15:16 o\clock
Introduction To Forex Trading | ForexGen
by: forexgenpivot Keywords: forexgen, trading, forex, broker, online, forex, trading, forex, market, forex, trading, software, forex, trading, system, forex, trade, forex
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